Baby, You Summertime Fine

Summer is all about having fun under the sun and looking good while doing it. Since January, we’ve been seeing the fit girls of Instagram talk about getting their summer bodies ready. But the arrival of summer doesn’t mean that the workouts stop. As a matter of fact, with all of the travel and pool parties that often come with summer, its a time when you’ll need to make an extra effort to maintain that summer body. Here are my Top 5 favorite activities that allow you to enjoy the summer sun while keeping your body active and fit:

1.) Bike Riding – Cycling is an excellent form of cardio. If you go for a nice bike ride with friends at the boardwalk or on a trail, then you’re sure to have an awesome time while burning some quick calories!

2.) Swimming – Pool, beach, river, lake… They all sound good to me when its nearly 100 degrees outside on a summer day. Swimming is an amazing way to get a full-body workout while staying refreshed in the water and achieving a great tan. If you’re a strong swimmer, you can raise the bar by doing laps in the ocean or river where you will burn extra calories swimming against the current.

3.) Beach Workout- Working out in the gym can start to feel boring and repetitive after a while- especially when you can see that the weather is amazing outside. Switch things up by taking your standard gym workout to the beach. Not only will it be a fun change of routine, but you’re workout will be even more effective because of the resistance caused by the sand. No beach near you? No problem. Try to find a park with a sand area nearby and get it done.

4. Beach Volley Ball- Having a beach day? Cool. But don’t waste the whole day laying on your towel in the sand. Bring a ball and some friends along for a fun beach volleyball session. Playing volleyball is a great way to work your full body, and you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t even realize how intense of a workout you’re getting. Not into volleyball? You could also try soccer, frisbee, or even tossing a football back and forth. Get friends involved to make it more fun- losers pay for dinner!

5.) Yoga- First of all, let me say that yoga is always in season, but summer invites so many opportunities to make yoga even more enjoyable. Try sunrise or sunset yoga to get your stretches in with an amazing view. Or, take your mat to a quiet beach and listen to the waves as you do your chakras. You can also plan your yoga session along the peak temperatures of the day to see if you can handle hot yoga. Stay consistent with yoga and see if you’re not amazed at the changes in the flexibility of your body in just a few weeks.

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