
Travel is a huge part of my life. The experiences that I’ve gained from traveling have been absolutely invaluable. Travel has given me memories that will last a lifetime and the best stories that I’ll tell my grandkids one day: Fiction Only!

I’ve swam with the fish deep beneath the ocean in the Philippines. I’ve danced with Masai warriors in Kenya. I’ve sat listening to an old man tell stories on the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. I caught a flat tire in the middle of the Las Vegas desert. I jumped off of a cliff in the wadis of Oman. My life has been filled with awesome adventure, thank God!

I think it is safe to say that I know the ins and outs of this travel thing better than your average chick. I’m serving straight facts and facts only when it comes to my recommendations, review, and travel tips. Check out what I’ve got to say and don’t be shy to leave comments or messages. I hope you enjoy, as this topic is especially close to my heart.